3 Aralık 2013 Salı

zodiac movie dialogue

Robert Graysmith: Does anybody ever call me names?
Paul Avery: What, you mean like "retard"?
Robert Graysmith: Yeah.
Paul Avery: No.

Dave Toschi: What's that?
Sherwood Morrill: Similarities in the lowercase "r"s.
Dave Toschi: And that?
Sherwood Morrill: It is you waiting in the hall if you speak again. I have to concentrate.
Dave Toschi: Sorry.
Sherwood Morrill: "Sorry" counts as speaking.
[Outside in hall]
Dave Toschi: There are similarities in the lowercase "r"s.

Robert Graysmith: Does he think that Zodiac's gonna send another code? 'Cause I think Zodiac's gonna send another code.
Paul Avery: Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches, Bobby, what are you doing? You're doing that thing. The thing that we discussed, the thing that I don't like, starts with an L.
Robert Graysmith: Oh, looming.
Paul Avery: Yeah.

Paul Avery: Okay, this can no longer be ignored. [points at Graysmith's drink, which is blue] What is that you're drinking?
Robert Graysmith: It's an Aqua Velva. You wouldn't make fun of it if you tried it.
[Avery helps himself to a sip; cut to six blue drinks later]
Robert Graysmith: But who actually cracked the code?

Robert Graysmith: Everything in the letter already appears in the article.
Paul Avery: Yep. And he's done it before. [pulls out a newspaper article] Officer Richard Raditech, shot sitting in a parked car.
Robert Graysmith: Zodiac claimed he shot someone in their car.
Paul Avery: Yeah, a couple days after this article came out. Zodiac didn't do it, but he took credit for it anyway, because he's in it for the press.
Robert Graysmith: How can someone who's killed thirteen people …
Paul Avery: He claims he killed thirteen people, but which ones can we actually confirm? There's three in Vallejo, one in Berryessa, the cabbie, that's it.
[Graysmith looks confused]
Paul Avery: Bobby, you almost look disappointed.

Dave Toschi: Hey, how do we know that this lead is real?
Inspector William Armstrong: It's very real. How do I know? Because I saw it on television.

"Suspect": I'm the Zodiac.
Inspector William Armstrong: And how did you kill your victims?
"Suspect": With a gun. No … with a hammer.

[Avery storms out the boss' office]
Robert Graysmith: Paul?
Paul Avery: Yeah.
Robert Graysmith: What was that?
Paul Avery: Uh, an editorial tête-à-tête. Wanna grab a drink?
Robert Graysmith: It's ten in the morning.
Paul Avery: Late breakfast? Early lunch, or …
Robert Graysmith: Paul. Are you okay?
Paul Avery: … No. Thank you for asking.

Robert Graysmith: I've been thinking.
Paul Avery: Yeah?
Robert Graysmith: Somebody should write a book.
Paul Avery: Somebody should write a fucking book, that's for sure. About what?
Robert Graysmith: About Zodiac. I've been thinking, if you put all the information together, maybe you could jog something loose. And then I thought, who better than you? I mean, you know all the players, and you have all of the files.
Paul Avery: Yeah, I lost them.
Robert Graysmith: You lost them?
Paul Avery: Or I tossed them. I don't know, I moved onto a boat.

Robert Graysmith: Just because you can't prove it doesn't mean it isn't true.
Dave Toschi: Easy, Dirty Harry.

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